1. bootImpute::ex_linquad
    Simulated example data with continuous outcome and quadratic covariate effects
  2. dejaVu::simData
    Simulated recurrent event data.
  3. gFormulaMI::simDataFullyObs
    Simulated fully observed data frame
  4. InformativeCensoring::ScoreInd
    Simulated time to event data with 5 time independent covariates
  5. InformativeCensoring::ScoreTimeDep
    Simulated time dependent variables for time to event data
  6. mlmi::ctsTrialWide
    Simulated example data with continuous outcome measured repeatedly over time
  7. smcfcs::ex_cc
    Simulated case cohort data
  8. smcfcs::ex_compet
    Simulated example data with competing risks outcome and partially observed covariates
  9. smcfcs::ex_coxquad
    Simulated example data with time to event outcome and quadratic covariate effects
  10. smcfcs::ex_dtsam
    Simulated discrete time survival data set
  11. smcfcs::ex_finegray
    Simulated example data with competing risks outcome and partially observed covariates
  12. smcfcs::ex_flexsurv
    Simulated example data with time-to-event Weibull outcome and two covariates
  13. smcfcs::ex_lininter
    Simulated example data with continuous outcome and interaction between two partially observed covariates
  14. smcfcs::ex_linquad
    Simulated example data with continuous outcome and quadratic covariate effects
  15. smcfcs::ex_logisticquad
    Simulated example data with binary outcome and quadratic covariate effects
  16. smcfcs::ex_ncc
    Simulated nested case-control data
  17. smcfcs::ex_poisson
    Simulated example data with count outcome, modelled using Poisson regression